The patients suffering from piles have bleeding during defecation. There are four degrees of piles. First and second degree piles remains inside the anal canal and patients only experience bleeding while going to toilet; there is no pain. The third degree piles come out of anus during straining at stool and go back inside the anus after urge of defecation over. The fourth degree piles prolapsed out of anus. The treatment of first and second degree piles is Ayurvedic medicines and latest sclerosing injection therapy. Third degree piles are best treated by Ksharsutra and fourth degree piles are best treated by KS or PPH.
Piles or haemorrhoids are caused by straining during defecation as in a case of constipation or dysentery. It is also caused by raised intra abdominal pressure as in a case of pregnancy or abdominal tumours.

Anal Fissure
Fissure is a small tear or wound inside the anal canal. It is caused by hard stool trauma to the anal skin. After healing it leaves behind a small nodule and it is known as sentinel pile. It is associated with fissure. After every attack of fissure, it enlarges and becomes a cause of worry for patients. The pain is not felt in this mass but it is inside the anus in fissure. In general terms, it is known as badi bawaseer.
Acute fissure causes severe pain during act of defecation and chronic fissure causes less pain. There is narrowing of the anal lumen and it again precipitates the formation of fissure when stool is hard.
Acute fissure is managed by medicines and chronic fissure is managed by KS ligation.
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Anal Fistula

Fistula is a chronic pus discharging sinus occurring in the vicinity of anal canal. It starts from within the anal canal. Pus is formed inside the anus and bursts out of anus. There is swelling around anus and it bursts out to leave a sinus. There are recurrent episodes of pus formation and sometimes it dries up with medicine and again collection of pus occurs.
It is best treated by the use of Ksharsutra. The surgery is frustrating because chances of recurrence are fair after surgery. Ksharsutra delivers medicine at the begingn point to destroy infected focus and it also ensures slow cutting and healing. The chances of recurrence are nil after application of Ksharsutra.

Pionidal Sinus
Pilonidal sinus is a midline post anal sinus commonly seen in young adults usually without any communication with rectum and anal canal. Pilus means hair, Nidus means nest, so Pilonidal sinus means Nest with hair inside, where hair is invaginated in subcutaneous tissue as a Bulbous Diverticula with branching and bifurcating from side.
Pilonidal sinus is common in the Gluteal cleft. While sitting, the buttocks move and the hair is broken off by friction. The hair collects in gluteal cleft. The hair penetrates the soft and moist skin of this region. May enter in the open mouth of sudoriferous gland. The hair tuft is present in the sinus.
Surgical excision carries many risks and recurrence. Ksharsutra treatment is the best of all options available.
Prolapse Rectum
The rectal mucosa comes out of anal canal during defecation. In partial prolapse the mucosa returns back to anus without manual repositioning but in case of complete prolapse, patient has to put is back inside the anus with fingers. It is associated with weak musculature, operations, tear in female during delivery etc.
The treatment is done by putting a ring around anus to give strength to muscles along with correction of bowel habits by Ayurvedic medicines. In children, only medicinal treatment is preferred.

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses. They hang down like teardrops or grapes. They result from chronic inflammation and are associated with asthma, recurring infection, allergies, drug sensitivity or certain immune disorders.
Small nasal polyps may not cause symptoms. Larger growths or groups of nasal polyps can block your nasal passages or lead to breathing problems, a lost sense of smell and frequent infections.
Nasal polyps can affect anyone, but they’re more common in adults. Medications can often shrink or eliminate nasal polyps, but surgery is sometimes needed to remove them. Even after successful treatment, nasal polyps often return.